World's Deepest Blue Hole

Recently, scientists have identified Taam Ja’ Blue Hole (TJBH) in Mexico’s Chetumal Bay as the world’s deepest blue hole. Initially, experts thought it was the second deepest. However, new measurements reveal that it extends over 420 meters below sea level (mbsl), surpassing the previous record-holder, the Sansha Yongle Blue Hole (Dragon Blue Hole) in the South China Sea (301 mbsl).

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Blue Holes: Understanding Their Nature and Impact on Diversity-

A blue hole is a vast underwater cave or sinkhole that’s open to the surface, typically formed in carbonate bedrock like limestone or coral reef. Blue holes are like underwater oases, teeming with a rich variety of marine life such as corals, sponges, molluscs, sea turtles and sharks.

More About Taam Ja’ Blue Hole (TJBH)-

  • Taam Ja’ means ‘deep water’ in the Mayan language.
  • The mouth of the hole is nearly circular, with an axis measuring 151.8 meters (498 ft).
  • It lies off the coast of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, near the impact site of the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.
  • Inside the blue hole, salinity and temperature fluctuate.
  • Divers exploring Taam Ja’ Blue Hole found Caribbean Sea-like water below 400 meters, hinting at hidden tunnels connecting the sinkhole to the ocean depths.
Where is the Dragon Blue Hole?

In the South China Sea.

What is the name of the third deepest blue hole?

Dean’s Blue Hole (202 m).

In which country is Dean’s Blue Hole located?

The Bahamas (a country in North America).